INPUT 1 feeds OUTPUT 1 through 6. If a jack is plugged into INPUT 2, INPUT 1 will supply OUTPUT 1 through 3, and INPUT 2 will supply OUTPUT 4 through 6.
The two-color LED indicates the polarity and activity of the signal applied to INPUT 1 only. (red is positive, green is negative).
Please note that the opamp model used is TL072. Accuracy will not let you drive many oscillators in perfect unison. No problem for audio / modulation / clock signals.
EURORACK MODULE SIZE: 2HP – 26 mm deep (including inserted power connector) +12V : 18 mA -12V : 18 mA +5V : 0 mA
This is not a fancy VU meter, it has a linear response and is designed to measure voltages to help you understand what’s going on with your control voltages. Each LED represents 1 volt (red for positive range and blue for negative range).
Both jacks sockets are in parallel, so select one for the input signal and the other for the output signal.
The unique button toggles between plain mode (default) or dot mode.
EURORACK MODULE SIZE: 2HP – 41 mm deep (including inserted power connector) +12V : 65 mA -12V : 8 mA +5V : 0 mA
audio FX: dynamic pre-emphasis (as in cassette recorders)
Do you remember cassettes decks with “noise reduction” system? This module contains an encoder wich enhance high frequencies of low level signals. It adds highs in a subtle way…
DRY/WET : balance between input and output
INPUT : attenuation/gain
2 discrete channels
EURORACK MODULE SIZE: 4HP – 38 mm deep (including inserted power connector) +12V : 60 mA -12V : 15 mA +5V : 0 mA